Anxiety & Depression

While there is no single specific known cause of anxiety and clinical depression, both conditions are likely the result of a complex interplay of genetic, biological, environmental, and psychological factors. Everyone who has reached adulthood has likely experienced anxiety and depressive symptoms to some extent in their life; however, when the symptoms are unrelenting and interfere with your relationships, school, work, and life, it is time to seek out help. Reach out to Lifesong Mental Health & Wellness for an evaluation and customized care plan to get you back to living your best life.


There are several different anxiety disorders. Anxiety disorders often manifest with both psychological and physical symptoms. Psychological symptoms may include persistent worry or anxiety related to a wide range of subjects, dwelling on worst-case scenarios, being indecisive or paralyzed by the fear of making a wrong decision, difficulty concentrating, avoidance behaviors, fear of being judged negatively by others, and intense fear of interacting with others. Physical symptoms may include fatigue, trouble sleeping, muscle tension, trembling, being easily startled, sweating, irritable bowel symptoms, irritability, blushing, heart palpitations, and trembling. Panic disorder is a condition in which one has recurrent, regular panic attacks often for no apparent reason. Panic symptoms tend to occur suddenly and without warning and include an overwhelming feeling of anxiety/panic along with physical manifestations such as hyperventilation, heart palpitations, hot flushes, and a choking sensation.


About 1 of 6 adults experience an episode of major depressive disorder at some point in their lives, affecting more than 16 million American adults each year. Some symptoms of depression include feeling sad or experiencing low mood, lack of pleasure in doing things you once enjoyed, sleeping too much or too little, eating too much or too little, feeling guilty or worthless, and recurrent thoughts of death. Symptoms are present for at least 2 weeks and often last several weeks to months. The symptoms negatively impact your life, keeping you from finding joy in your relationships, school, work, and life. Other depressive disorders include persistent depressive , seasonal affective disorder, and postpartum depression.

If you are struggling with feelings of anxiety or depression, it is often difficult to reach out for help and support. At Lifesong Mental Health & Wellness, we are here to support you and help you work through these issues. Sometimes it is a combination approach of therapy and medication that results in remission of symptoms which is always the goal.

For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 

2 Timothy 1:7