

Experience Empowering & Supportive Care

Lifesong Mental Health & Wellness was born from a vision of a practice that does things differently. No more wasted time traveling to an overcrowded office. No more waiting in exam rooms frequented by ill patients. No more feeling rushed in your appointments. This Christian telehealth practice exists to serve patients’ mental health needs in a way that honors God, recognizing the inherent and inestimable value and uniqueness of each of His children. Expect to be supported with compassionate, evidence and strength-based care from a provider who is dedicated to helping you achieve your healthcare goals. Good health management requires the balance of art and science and we are dedicated to top-tier, customized care to help you thrive.

Expert Nursing Staff
Safe Solution For Health

Meet the Provider

Marni Federer is certified as both a family nurse practitioner (FNP) and a psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner (PMHNP). It is from this perspective that she recognizes the importance of optimizing the health potential of all aspects of what makes us human—the body, mind, and spirit. She first practiced as a FNP in an outpatient primary care clinic serving in an underserved rural setting, caring for patients with a wide range of chronic physical and mental health conditions. It was in this setting she recognized the need for more specialized training and earned her post-graduate certification in psychiatric/mental health as an advanced practice nurse prior to transitioning to working remotely in telepsychiatry with patients who live in Massachusetts. Drawing on the uniquely personal strengths of each individual, Marni collaborates with her patients to meet their healthcare goals and live their best life.

Marni earned her Bachelor and Master of Art degrees in English and her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of West Georgia prior to earning her Master of Science in Nursing for family nurse practitioner from Chamberlain University and her post-graduate certificate for psychiatric-mental health nurse practitioner from Liberty University. As a dedicated lifelong learner, Marni particularly enjoys supporting students and professionals in achieving their healthcare goals as they navigate their academic and professional careers.

Marni is happily married to the man of her dreams, is the proud mother of three daughters and grandmother of two granddaughters. She enjoys reading, traveling, and spending time with her family and dogs.

I will sing praises to you, my source of strength. You, God, are my place of safety.
You are the God who loves me!

Psalms 59:17

We care with compassion

Morbi vehicula risus scelerisque justo fermentum volutpat. Praesent lobortis nunc nec ligula elementum, sed accumsan ligula facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

what they say ?

Love to serve you, with compassionate care

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Elsa Verina Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Dyas Kardinal Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Puri Maha Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Puri Maha Designation

We care with compassion

Morbi vehicula risus scelerisque justo fermentum volutpat. Praesent lobortis nunc nec ligula elementum, sed accumsan ligula facilisis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra.

what they say ?

Love to serve you, with compassionate care

Sed congue mollis orci et tempus. Etiam semper elit id turpis ornare posuere a sit amet elit. Nulla facilisi. Nullam augue lectus, lobortis et risus id, ornare porttitor arcu. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus.

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Elsa Verina Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Dyas Kardinal Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Puri Maha Designation

Nulla mollis tristique blandit. Nam at accumsan felis, vitae pharetra nunc. Morbi imperdiet dui eu facilisis vestibulum. Sed dignissim non nibh auctor finibus. Integer mollis varius maximus.

Kumto Warming Designation